50% Black Friday Sale

About Us

Pops of Happiness!

Do you like to watch movies? Who doesn’t, right? We all enjoy movie popcorn, but it is no longer just snack food. Sure, it’s still a nice treat to eat while watching TV, but we’ve given it a makeover, and you’ll discover that your favourite snack is now not only tastier but also far more versatile. Ideal for watching movies, picnics, cocktail parties, having fun on the weekends, book clubs, or as a gift, our gourmet popcorn is delicious, enjoyable, and always handcrafted.

Popcorn is believed to be the world’s oldest snack, having satisfied hunger for centuries! We’ve explored a variety of styles by blending both local and exotic ingredients and producing the munchies in a fresh, exquisite avatar! These popcorns are gluten-free, cholesterol-free, trans-fat-free, and MSG-free, allowing you to enjoy healthy and delicious snacks in no time.

So, what is holding you? Get your exotically infused popcorn as soon as possible!


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